7. Belgrade street, 17.12.2014 (Beograd ulica, 17.12.2014)
Writing a little something about this city is almost impossible, and writing something new even more so. It’s an enormous city. Each time I visit it, i get taken over by its charm, and each time I further realize why it used to be the capital of our former country.
The city never sleeps, never shuts down. It has so many interesting things, streets, boulevards, parks, friendly people who have time to socialize, restaurants with a soul, homeless people, con artists, scamming taxi drivers, supermodels, traders, money exchangers, artists, etc.
With each step, Belgrade gives me a feeling of being home and being welcome. Belgrade is beautiful, and I absolutely love it.
I landed at 10am at the airport, and by 4pm I’ve already finished two meetings. At 5pm I met with my friend Srđan, and we went on a random walk around the city, after which we had dinner at Tri šeširi restaurant in the Terazije district. The photographs I took were taken on the walk from the street of Knez Mihajlov to Kalamegdan district. The night only ended, as one would expect from a trip to such a city, in the early morning hours. I had to be careful not to be swept away by the city, as I had a plane to Podgorica to catch at 5am, where I had the rest of the meetings for the next two days scheduled.
The photographs were taken with a Leica X2, using JPG format in black & white. They are completely unprocessed (SOOC).
Gear: Leica X2, JPG, NO PHOTOSHOP (!!!)
Beograd sem tokrat obiskal službeno, pravzaprav ga vedno 🙂 v pred novoletnem času. Beograd imam rad in se vedno rad vračam v to mesto. Prvič sem bil tu leta 1998, ko sem prodal svoj cerifikat, ravno po Natovem bombardiranju in ko so se začeli množični protesti proti Miloševiću. Hotel sem biti zraven. In sem bil. Zelo zraven in zelo blizu fajn tepen.Takrat sem fotografije iz protestov objavljal celo v Mladini ter v članek v takratnem Novogoriškem časopisu OKO. In zraven bil še “fajn posran” od strahu. Fotoaparat Nikon 801, je takrat izgledal profesionalen fotoaparat in take je Miloševićeva policija najraje tepla…:) Skozi svojo začetniško fotografsko pot sem hotel okusiti tudi fotoreporterstvo. O tem mogoče kdaj drugič.
Pisati o tem mestu nekaj malega je skoraj nemogoče, napisati nekaj novega pa še bolj nemogoče. Gre za ogromno mesto. Vsakič posebej me prevzame in vsakič posebej se bolj zavem, zakaj je bilo to mesto enkrat glavno mesto bivše države.
Mesto nikoli ne spi. Nikoli ne ugasne. Mesto ima toliko zanimivosti, toliko nekih zanimivih ulic, bulevarjev, parkov, prijaznih ljudi ki imajo čas da se družijo, restavracij z dušo, klošarjev, prevarantov, prevarantskih taxistov, manekenk, brezdomcev, supermodelov, silikona, trgovcev, menjalcev denarja, brezdelnežev, umetnikov….
Beograd mi vedno na vsakem koraku da občutek da si “nekako”doma in vedno dobrodošel. Beograd je lep in Beograd imam rad.
V Beograd sem prispel ob 10h dopoldan z letalom in ob 16h sem že končal s dvema sestankoma. Ob 17h sem se dobil še z prijateljem Srđanom in skupaj sva šla malo v “šetnjo” ter zvečer skupaj na večerjo na Terazije, k Trem šeširom. Fotografiral sem v “šetnji” po ulici Kneza Mihajlova do Kalamegdana. Noč se je, kot se za tako mesto spodobi, kasneje zavlekla do poznih ur. Malo sem moral paziti da me mesto ni odneslo, saj sem imel drugi dan letalo ob 5h zjutraj za Podgorico ( Črna Gora) in tam ostale sestanke v naslednjih dveh dneh.
Fotografiral sem z Leico X2. JPG, high contrast, črno belo. Fotografije niso nič obdelane in so direkt iz aparata. (SOOC – straight out of the camera).
Opreme: Leica X2, jpg, NO PHOTOSHOP (!!!)