3. #1 #newgearinthehouse in the house – Leica X2, 27.10.2014
It’s finally mine. For almost two years I’ve been “working with a wish” to buy a Leica. Ever since I’ve visited Leica stand at Photokina 2012 in Cologne, I knew that’s the right stuff for me and I’ll once bought.
I’ve read all the forums, offer, new, used…and in October I’ve started to negotiate for exchange my Nikon D200 for Leica X2. We agreed for exchange with my addition.
27.10.2014 it was delivered. Even the box was something special.
When you hold it in your hands, there is a special feeling. Piece of art, piece of technology. Little, mirrorless, automatic and manual autofocus, looks vintage, leather case, made in Germany. More about the camera you can read here.
First photos with Leica were catastrophy and dissappointment. The same feeling as when I listen to a new album. If I don’t like it first time, I know that this will be a great album. I’ve tried with different settings, ISO, BW, vidid,… nothing worked. Only after 14 days, I’ve seen the true value of Leica and was really satisfied with IQ (image quality).
Now I finally understand those on forums who had written: Welcome Leica, bye bye Nikon ( Canon..)
Gear: Leica x2
Pa jo imam. Že kake 2 leti se “ukvarjam z željo” da bi si kupil Leico. Od kar sem leta 2012 obiskal razstavni prostor Leica na sejmu v Kolnu ( Photokina http://www.photokina.com/ ), sem vedel, da je to prava zadeva zame in da jo bom enkrat imel.
Prebral sem vse forume, pregledal vse ponudbe, novih, rabljenih….in v oktobru sem se začel v Avstiji ( Gradz) “pogajati” za menjavo za moj Nikon D200 za Leico X2. Dogovorili smo se za menjavo ( z mojim doplačilom ).
27.10. 2014 je prišla s hitro pošto. Že sama škatla kjer je bila zapakirana je nekaj posebnega.
Ko jo držiš v roki je poseben občutek. Piece of art, pice of tehnology. Majhna, brezrcalna, avtomatski in ročni avtofokus( !!!) izgled starinski, usnjena torbica, napis; made in Germany… po domače, malo “češki” izgled. Več o sami kameri lahko preberete tu: http://www.dpreview.com/products/leica/compacts/leica_x2/overview
Prve fotografije narejene z Leico so bile eno pravo razočaranje in katastrofa. Enak občutek imam takrat, ko poslušam kaki nov album. Če mi ob prvem poslušanju ni všeč, vem, da bo to super album. Poskušal sem razne nastavitve, iso, ČB, vivid….nič ni “štimalo”. Šele po ene 14 dneh sem videl pravo vrednost Leice ter bil res prijetno zadovoljen z IQ ( image quality).
Šele sedaj razumem vse tiste navdušence na forumih, ki so napisali.: Wellcome Leica, bye bye Nikon ( Cannon..)
Oprema: Leica x2